Odd thoughts popped into my head this morning regarding movie ranking and descriptions. Basically it boils down to how insufficient descriptions like thumbs up/down, stars, and grades are. I usually have to read the in-depth reviews to get an idea of what the movie is about, which is what I would really like to know to help me make a decision. So, like the engineer that I am, I thought of a different system. One that involves radar graphs and attempts to both quantify and describe movies. :-p In a way, I think my idea is more a systematic breakdown of the various aspects of a movie rather than just a rating system.
I'm still working on the system, and I need to apply it to more movies of differing characteristics before deciding if I even like it myself, but here are the basics:
The movie is broken down into Entertainment, Artistry, and Appropriateness under an Overall graph, ranked from 0-10 each, and higher is better. Each of these 3 categories are then broken down into further details, each also ranked from 0-10. Entertainment includes Action, Comedy, Horror, and Education. This is to describe the primary aspects of how the movie entertains. Artistry includes Acting, Directing, Effects, and Story. Finally Appropriateness includes Language, Violence, Sexuality, and Difficulty. This is my response to the blanket ratings like PG and R and such.
So as an example, let's go through the movie called Russian Ark which I watched recently, which is a 90 minute film, shot in one continuous take, that goes over Russian history, its interaction with art, and Russia's relationship with Europe.
Overall (blue) Entertainment (red) Artistry (green) Appropriateness (yellow)
Entertainment (7): Action (0), Comedy (1), Horror (0), Education (8)
Artistry (8): Acting (9), Directing (8), Effects (6), Story (8)
Appropriateness (5): Language (8), Violence (10), Sexuality (9), Understanding (2)
The film obviously doesn't have any action or horror. While under Effects I usually think of special effects, of which there wasn't much in this movie, I think the costumes and subtle effects that were employed were well done. Although this is obviously a film that everyone can watch when it comes to appropriate language, violence, and sexuality, it is also obviously
NOT a film whose subject and intent would be something that most people would understand and appreciate. In fact, I didn't understand what the European represented until the very end. :-p
Finally, all of this can be represented visually as radar graphs, or spider graphs, like those created from an Excel sheet. I throw up a rough example up top.
Well, that's a dump of my new attempt at movie description/ranking. I'll probably still need to work on it, especially when it comes to the detail sections. How dumb do you think it is? ^_^