Sunday, September 21, 2008

Korean food consumption

It's odd. The other day I just realized that I have only had Korean food once since being back in CA. I used to have Korean very often back at UIUC, about once a week. I guess it was the best Asian food widely available there. Nowadays I seem to have Japanese quite often. ^_^

Friday, September 19, 2008


So tonight I went to Santa Ramen in San Mateo for dinner. I sat at the counter and a mom and daughter sat next to me. The kid was probably in the first or second grade. Yet, they ordered 2 full-sized bowls of ramen. I spent most of my dinner glancing at them wondering if they are going to finish all of it and if I can get the leftovers if they don't. ^_^;;  Even though I was really full w/ my own order...

今天晚上我去 Santa Ramen 吃拉麵。在我旁邊坐著一位媽媽跟他女兒。女兒差不多一年級左右。他們叫了兩碗拉麵。我一直想他們吃不吃的完。假如沒有吃完的話我可不可以把剩下的吃掉。^_^;;

(And... I decided that doing this in Japanese was too hard. :p)

Update: Seinfeld & Gates commercial

And apparently the Seinfeld & Gates ads end after 2. I guess I will retain my WTF opinion of them.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates commercial

Ok, I admit, I was never a Seinfeld sitcom fan and I never 'got' much of his humor. However, I think his new commercial w/ Bill Gates just makes no sense. :-(

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Kendo since coming back to Northern CA

I think my kendo has progressed quickly and greatly since coming back to Northern California. Part of it is the two grueling and rewarding summer camps. ^_^ However, it is also having the pleasure of being around high level sensei on a regular basis. Having people to push me and advise me. This is something I missed in Champaign.

On the other hand, without my foray to Champaign I would not have my current hunger for advice. I probably would be content to be yet another person practicing kendo. I would probably not be brave, or needy, enough to constantly approach sensei after practice for more details. I also would not have had the opportunity to teach and reflect upon my understanding of kendo.

Ah life...

掛かり稽古 (Kakari keiko)

I received a very interesting piece of advice from Nishiura sensei (西浦) on Thursday. At the end of jigeiko (地稽古), we were basically doing aimen kakari keiko (合面掛かり稽古). I... didn't do too well. :-p At the end of practice, he commented that I need to be ready to attack right after my attack. And if I'm able to do that, then I can do the regular setup, seme (攻め), and attack.

I have often felt that I reset too much and take too much time getting settled before beginning my attack. I never seemed to possess the mentality and ability to be able to attack at any moment. And I have often wondered how I should fix it but never got around to it. -_-;; Hopefully this time with a concrete advice and plan of action, I can make this change.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Notes from keiko

Two important comments from tonight:

1) From Tanaka sensei: Don't waver in my feeling (気持ち) and attack. Even if I miss. I have to commit and not waver. 自分の気持ち。I think of doing this all of the time and I never do it. :-p

2) I should be practicing w/ Tanaka sensei at every practice until the exam. I can't believe I didn't realize this one... -_-;;