So I watched No Country for Old Men last night with some friends. One person remarked upon how before the end of the movie, the story for one of the protagonist ends abruptly. I countered that that particular story was never the main story of the film anyways. In retrospect, I think I misunderstood the point that she was driving at. (And if I STILL have it wrong, I apologize. :-p)
The story that ends abruptly, that of a man trying to survive after taking the money, is not the main story of the film. However, it consumes most of the viewer's attention since it is the liveliest plot line. By ending that storyline so abruptly and with so little fanfare, and obviously with material left over, the film compels the viewer to search for an alternative meaning to the film, thereby leading the viewer more firmly to the main point of the film without bashing them over the head with it. I think that was the point my friend was trying to make.
I guess I am rather slow to recognize and understand film/literary techniques like this... ^_^;;
P.S. How is it that everyone in this film is able to walk so softly and quietly in boots?!
I'm flipping a quarter as we speak. ;-)
I refuse to have my life be decided by a d2 die. I demand a d20 at least. ^_~
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