Saturday, June 5, 2010

Kendo practice - 20100604

Rather hot practice tonight. I thought I did fairly well. Got some good advice tonight.

Yamaguchi sensei - Don't rush. When I rush I hit and reach with my right hand. Need to stay straight.

Kim sensei - Reach forward more and then hit men (面). Don't cock my right hand and tip back too far. Kim sensei was picking off my kote (小手) with ease. I used to hit this way a while back, but I have been swinging bigger lately because I felt my tenouchi (手の内) has not been enough. The strength of the hit hasn't been there. I think it is time to reevaluate, yet again. :p

Gen Mikuni sensei - Need to commit, especially when I strike kote (小手).

Nishiura sensei - Don't hit too much hiki waza (引き技). I was trying to be more aggressive, and went too far I think. Especially when trying to do shinsa keiko (審査稽古).