Friday, July 25, 2008

Yay, everything has arrived!!

Like the subject says, everything has arrived!! :-) Even the car, for which I left work early today. ^_^ That was a rather interesting experience because the truck couldn't drive into residential areas, so I met the truck at the corner of Stelling and Stevens Creek at 2:40PM; I left work around 1:30 to get back in time. Then I got into the truck and we drove down Stevens Creek, all the way past San Thomas, looking for a spot where they can stop. I figure that's going to be the only time I get to ride in a huge truck, so it was a rather interesting experience. :-D

The couple, I assume they're a couple, has been doing this Illinois to California thing for 12 years now, apparently. We talked quite a bit about how big the truck is (~100 feet long, 13 1/2 feet tall, 80,000 pounds fully loaded, loads up to 10 cars, and like 3 inch clearance on the bottom) and how the commercial GPS systems don't know anything about bridge limits. Apparently the Army has a version that does though.

The household goods delivery was a lot less exciting, in comparison. :-p They tried last Friday w/o telling me while I was at kendo summer camp, so they came back Wednesday morning.

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