Friday, May 16, 2008

Amazing video

Pretty crazy graffiti animation video. I guess they left behind a lot of white walls. ^_^

Tuesday, May 13, 2008




Seme without a target in mind

Recently, based on some really good advice, I have been working on my seme. I'm trying to be less hesitant and more aggressive, with a smoother transition into the strike. During yesterday's practice I think I understood a little better. Maybe. ^_^;;

I am still doing my seme with a target in mind. For example, I would seme towards the men, and then hit the kote if it opens up. Or if I want to hit kote, I would seme towards the men to open it up. Now that I think about it, I think that's probably erroneous. Once I start having a target in mind, I loose my flexibility. Instead, I think the proper way should be to seme without a target in mind, and then hit what opens.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Indianapolis Mini-Marathon

I went to the 2008 Indianapolis Mini-Marathon with Aqeel this past Saturday (5/3/08). It was a half-marathon, with part of the course on the Indianapolis race track. Don't ask me why they call it a mini-marathon.

I was hoping to get under 2 hours, since I apparently had a chip time of 2:01 at Chicago 2 years ago. I thought I had a 2:10. I was feeling good around 6-8 miles, but I got really tired around mile 10, and I really ran out of gas for the last mile. Still, I finished around 2:06 for the gun time and I had a chip time of 1:54:35 for a pace of 8:45, so I accomplished my goal at least. Apparently I finished 712 for my age, 4409 in my gender, and 5679 overall. My bib number was 40735. (Searching for results by my name failed while bib number worked. :-p)

Now I can slack off until I got to start training for the Disney marathon next January. ^_^