After some adjustments for reviewer comments and acknowledgments, with a good amount of work and ideas from Wen-mei, I got it to fit within the page limit. So a couple more passes for stupidity like the "the the" I found last time and I'll be done with this. Well, there's still the presentation... -_-;;
The title of the paper is "CUDA-lite: Reducing GPU Programming Complexity." Unfortunately Wen-mei kiboshed the one line I wanted, which I had at the beginning of the conclusion: "CUDA-lite performs great, with less coding requirement." Wonder if I should sneak it back in... ^_^
less (code) filling! That's awesome! Congratulations!
Yeah, as soon as Wen-mei came up w/ CUDA-lite at a meeting, I immediately followed w/ that line. :-)
I think I could've snuck it in if I didn't say it in front of him then. :-p
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