Monday, November 17, 2008

Mama kills animals

Just played this flash game.

Is there something wrong w/ me? The only things going through my mind (other than "Psh, they're just adding more blood to upset people. I mean come on! Blood and feathers out of an egg?! These people have been away from meat so long they don't remember anything anymore!) [Wow, that was a long parentheses. :p] AHEM!

Anyways, as I was saying... The only things going through my mind were "Hmm, the ingredients and procedures seem fairly accurate. Yeah, most people are unaware of the gory details of preparing an animal for consumption. I wonder if this is what Cooking Mama is really like? I could almost see myself playing it. It's kind of hypnotizing." ^_^

And finally concluding w/ "Ewww, tofu turkey. >_<"

Oh, and Cooking Mama holding a kitchen knife w/ blood is kinda cool. :)

But yeah, ethical treatment of animals, fine. Somehow that equating to vegetarianism, I don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I like the game better than the cooking mama games."