Friday, November 14, 2008

Facebook ads

Ok, I'm curious. Who else keeps getting all the "Want a Girlfriend" ads on Facebook? Is it because I'm listed as single and over 30, or does everyone get it?


Nick said...


Nick said...

Hey I just got an ad for Oprah's Diet, does this mean I'm fat? Oh wait...

monologue said...

Oh, come on, call me sensitive?...=P

sainueng said...

Well, I'm just curious if the ads are based on anything, like how the Google ads try to harvest information out of your mail and stuff to customize them for you.

To be honest they don't bother me and actually intrigue me. :p But the China Brides one... That's kind of disturbing. [shiver]

sainueng said...

Oh yeah, Nick, I get the Oprah's Diet ad from time to time as well. So who knows if there is an algorithm or not to their ad system...

I think the main thing that made me wonder is because the personal ads were starting to promote dating for 30+ year olds. :p

Kevin said...

Yah, well, I get them too... I think everyone does. But not that Oprah one... they'd never give that to _me_.

sainueng said...

Huh, wonder what it is about Nick and me that gets us the Oprah ad then...