Saturday, October 27, 2007

Waza usage

前幾個禮拜我跟庭軒(劍道六段)在網上講話,他說在他的映像裡,我用的技(わざ)不夠。或者是我都只有用到出ばな技(でばなわざ)。說實在,我有點驚訝他會這麼說,因為我覺得我用太多応じ技(おうじわざ)。可是仔細想想,他說得有道理。我的毛病(之一)是我對不同對手用不同技(わざ)。雖然這是應該的,可是我是往不好,不平均的方向應用。跟映像比我強的對手對打的時候,我不太用応じ技(おうじわざ)。跟映像比我弱的對手的時候,我用太多応じ技(おうじわざ)。在 Champaign 這裡大部分的對手都比我弱,所以我才會覺得我用太多応じ技(おうじわざ)吧。。。

我想我會有這種形象是因為攻め(せめ)和劍道訓練的關係。強的對手的攻め(せめ)比較強。感受到他的攻め(せめ),我會經不起,而採用先攻的打法。我會先攻是因為劍道重視攻擊;攻擊比撤退安全。換句話說,我對我的応じ技(おうじわざ)信心不夠,於是我不敢讓強對手採先機。對我弱的對手我有信心我可以交架他的攻擊,於是我常用応じ技(おうじわざ)。另一個原因可能是懶吧。:-p 仔細想想,這可能是我這次在 MWKF Tournament 輸的兩場的重要原因之一。


I was talking to Kenji, my cousin in Taiwan who is a rokudan (六段)in kendo, a couple of weeks ago. He said that part of his impression from our last spar back in the summer was that I didn't use many wazas (技). He felt that the only waza (技)I did were debana waza(出ばな技). I was surprised to hear him say this, since I feel that I use too much ouji waza (応じ技). After more reflection, I think I know why he said that. One of my problems, I think, is that the types of waza (技)I use depends on my opponent. However, instead of adjusting based on openings and what would work, I am adjusting based on my opponent's strength. That is not a good sign, in my opinion. Against opponents I perceive as stronger than me, I tend to not use ouji waza (応じ技)as much, while I over-rely upon them against opponents weaker than me. Since most of the people here at UIUC are weaker than me, I tend to think I use too much ouji waza (応じ技).

I think this has a lot to do with seme (攻め)and the training we receive through kendo. An opponent stronger than me usually has strong seme(攻め), and I respond by attacking earlier and more often to try to seize the initiative. Most people would respond this way because in kendo, attacking is better/safer than defending. In other words, against a strong opponent, I tend to give up on applying my own seme (攻め), break down my opponent, and utilize ouji waza (応じ技). I am more confident when facing a weaker opponent, and then give my seme (攻め)and ouji waza (応じ技) a chance to come through. Now that I think about it, this rushing, not wanting to yield the initiative to a stronger opponent, and reluctance to utilize ouji waza (応じ技)is a pretty big part of my losses at the last MWKF tournament...

I'm not entirely sure how I can go about fixing/improving this. I did joudan (上段)for a while to make myself attack more against my kohai (後輩) instead of waiting and relying upon my ouji waza (応じ技). I need to continue to bring my full arsenal, including seme, shikaki waza, and ouji waza (攻め、仕掛け技、応じ技). I guess I need to have more confidence when facing a senpai (先輩), and try to utilize my seme and ouji waza more (攻めと応じ技). I think this is part of/indication of lack of heijyoushin (平常心).

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