Saturday, July 14, 2007






Kendo's heijyoushin

Heijyoushin is an important concept to kendo. However, recently I've been thinking what exactly does heijyoushin really mean.

This Wednesday (7/11) I practiced kendo at 中山道場 in Taipei. In 2 hours, I only practiced 4 times. The first and third time were both with rokudan sensei. The second time was with a hachidan sensei. I was a bit disappointed with myself. Afterwards, I thought about why I tired so easily. I think it was probably because I was too nervous. I was lacking heijyoushin. I wasn't used to the senseis' level of seme. However, even though I tired quickly, I felt that I played well at the beginning of each match. That's an advantage of being nervous, I think. It brings out your best kendo. Of course that also tires you out more quickly. Finally, the weather was also a factor. It is very hot in Taipei, with high humidity. My body isn't used to practicing in this environment.

On Friday (7/13) the practice seemed much easier. I practiced 5 times. The first and fourth time were not with high-ranking sensei though. I also made sure to rest sufficiently after each match. My level of kendo was also satisfactory. On Sunday I practiced at 大安國中. Again I only practiced 4 times. Although my level of kendo was ok, it felt very difficult. I barely rested at all. I think I have 2 conclusions. I am too nervous when practicing at a new dojo for the first time. I need to overcome that. Second, I need to take the weather and my body into account, and rest sufficiently during practice. I'm not young anymore so I need to keep better track of my stamina. ^_^;;

So, even though heijyoushin is important, I think being nervous from time to time isn't a bad thing. As the level of tension rises, you could actually perform better in practice or at a tournament. The important thing, I think, is to maintain control over your stamina.

(Upon further review, I only covered here how the lack of heijyoushin could affect your stamina. What this does not cover is how heijyoushin is applicable DURING your practice or match. That is probably because of the drain I felt on my physical reserves practicing here in Taipei in the summer for the first time. Mentally I wanted to practice more, but physically I couldn't. 心有餘,力不足。 I felt that my level of kendo was fairly satisfactory taking into account my relative lack of stamina. :-p I suppose I need to implement more stamina training after returning to the US.)

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