So I practiced some more with the kendo dummy tonight, since no one else showed up to practice. I actually appreciated the chance to practice with the dummy though. Gave me a chance to really focus on my 二刀流 (nito ryuu) basics without feeling bad that I'm just pounding on an opponent and not giving him a chance to practice, lol. :-D
I was pleasantly surprised by how well the dummy worked for 引き技 (hiki waza; techniques while moving backwards). Then again, what dummies have problems with usually is allowing the practitioner to go through after the hit. They usually don't have problems if the person is moving away from them. So it's not a huge surprise or plus that my dummy works for 引き技. :-p
I think my 二刀流の引き技 has improved after tonight. It's still a very basic strike though. Very big. But at least it's straight and strong, with much better 手のうち (tenouchi). I was having problems with the 手のうち because it was more difficult to control the 竹刀 (shinai) when holding it with my left hand all the way next to the 鍔 (tsuba). Then again, when I started 二刀流, I told myself that I would only do it if I approached it as if I am once again a beginner. If I am to do 二刀流, I would approach it from the basics and develop sound fundamentals. So it's probably the right stage anyways...
Monday, July 30, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
不敢啦!太熱了! ^_^ (just kidding. 再熱我也樂意練。)
仔細想一想,我好像至少四年多沒有夏天回台灣了。都是放寒假的時候回去。這也是我第一次夏天在台北練劍道。感覺完全不同。光是換衣服就流汗了。偏偏我這次帶的稽古着和袴是我最長,最厚的一套。上次特意留下來的較薄的一套卻找不到。:-( 下一次一定帶最薄,最短,最輕的一套回去練。^_~
Practicing kendo in Taipei in the summer
No thanks! It's too hot! ^_^ (just kidding. I'd do it again no matter how hot it is.)
Now that I think about it, it has been at least four years since I've gone back to Taiwan in the summer. I've been going back during the winter. Of course, this is the first time I practiced kendo in Taipei in the summer. The feeling is completely different. I was sweating just changing clothes. Unfortunately, the keiko gi and hakama I brought with me this time are the longest and thickest set that I have. I couldn't find the lighter set I left behind last year. :-( Next time I'm definitely bringing the lightest and shortest set I have with me. ^_~
I talked about my stamina problem in "剣道の平常心". You have to be impressed with people who practice regularly under that kind of weather. Upon further reflection, in an hour and a half, practicing with sensei only 4 times is not out of the ordinary. I'm probably depressed because I was sitting down resting instead of standing in line. It used to be that if I wasn't practicing, I was standing in line waiting to practice. So in the end I would have only practiced around 4 times in that amount of time. There wasn't much need to stand in line this time, so the difference in expectations may have made the impact even more dramatic. However, I really had problems catching my breath while practicing at 中山道館. I wonder if practicing under the overpass made a significant difference on the air circulation and heat dissipation.
But when I overheard Lin sensei talking to someone else, I really felt I needed to get my butt in gear and try harder. He said, if you don't work on your stamina during the summer, when would you work on it? According to the Japanese, overcoming the effects of the weather is also part of the training in the summer and winter. So that night I forced myself to do one more practice. :-)
仔細想一想,我好像至少四年多沒有夏天回台灣了。都是放寒假的時候回去。這也是我第一次夏天在台北練劍道。感覺完全不同。光是換衣服就流汗了。偏偏我這次帶的稽古着和袴是我最長,最厚的一套。上次特意留下來的較薄的一套卻找不到。:-( 下一次一定帶最薄,最短,最輕的一套回去練。^_~
Practicing kendo in Taipei in the summer
No thanks! It's too hot! ^_^ (just kidding. I'd do it again no matter how hot it is.)
Now that I think about it, it has been at least four years since I've gone back to Taiwan in the summer. I've been going back during the winter. Of course, this is the first time I practiced kendo in Taipei in the summer. The feeling is completely different. I was sweating just changing clothes. Unfortunately, the keiko gi and hakama I brought with me this time are the longest and thickest set that I have. I couldn't find the lighter set I left behind last year. :-( Next time I'm definitely bringing the lightest and shortest set I have with me. ^_~
I talked about my stamina problem in "剣道の平常心". You have to be impressed with people who practice regularly under that kind of weather. Upon further reflection, in an hour and a half, practicing with sensei only 4 times is not out of the ordinary. I'm probably depressed because I was sitting down resting instead of standing in line. It used to be that if I wasn't practicing, I was standing in line waiting to practice. So in the end I would have only practiced around 4 times in that amount of time. There wasn't much need to stand in line this time, so the difference in expectations may have made the impact even more dramatic. However, I really had problems catching my breath while practicing at 中山道館. I wonder if practicing under the overpass made a significant difference on the air circulation and heat dissipation.
But when I overheard Lin sensei talking to someone else, I really felt I needed to get my butt in gear and try harder. He said, if you don't work on your stamina during the summer, when would you work on it? According to the Japanese, overcoming the effects of the weather is also part of the training in the summer and winter. So that night I forced myself to do one more practice. :-)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Kendo's heijyoushin
Heijyoushin is an important concept to kendo. However, recently I've been thinking what exactly does heijyoushin really mean.
This Wednesday (7/11) I practiced kendo at 中山道場 in Taipei. In 2 hours, I only practiced 4 times. The first and third time were both with rokudan sensei. The second time was with a hachidan sensei. I was a bit disappointed with myself. Afterwards, I thought about why I tired so easily. I think it was probably because I was too nervous. I was lacking heijyoushin. I wasn't used to the senseis' level of seme. However, even though I tired quickly, I felt that I played well at the beginning of each match. That's an advantage of being nervous, I think. It brings out your best kendo. Of course that also tires you out more quickly. Finally, the weather was also a factor. It is very hot in Taipei, with high humidity. My body isn't used to practicing in this environment.
On Friday (7/13) the practice seemed much easier. I practiced 5 times. The first and fourth time were not with high-ranking sensei though. I also made sure to rest sufficiently after each match. My level of kendo was also satisfactory. On Sunday I practiced at 大安國中. Again I only practiced 4 times. Although my level of kendo was ok, it felt very difficult. I barely rested at all. I think I have 2 conclusions. I am too nervous when practicing at a new dojo for the first time. I need to overcome that. Second, I need to take the weather and my body into account, and rest sufficiently during practice. I'm not young anymore so I need to keep better track of my stamina. ^_^;;
So, even though heijyoushin is important, I think being nervous from time to time isn't a bad thing. As the level of tension rises, you could actually perform better in practice or at a tournament. The important thing, I think, is to maintain control over your stamina.
(Upon further review, I only covered here how the lack of heijyoushin could affect your stamina. What this does not cover is how heijyoushin is applicable DURING your practice or match. That is probably because of the drain I felt on my physical reserves practicing here in Taipei in the summer for the first time. Mentally I wanted to practice more, but physically I couldn't. 心有餘,力不足。 I felt that my level of kendo was fairly satisfactory taking into account my relative lack of stamina. :-p I suppose I need to implement more stamina training after returning to the US.)
Kendo's heijyoushin
Heijyoushin is an important concept to kendo. However, recently I've been thinking what exactly does heijyoushin really mean.
This Wednesday (7/11) I practiced kendo at 中山道場 in Taipei. In 2 hours, I only practiced 4 times. The first and third time were both with rokudan sensei. The second time was with a hachidan sensei. I was a bit disappointed with myself. Afterwards, I thought about why I tired so easily. I think it was probably because I was too nervous. I was lacking heijyoushin. I wasn't used to the senseis' level of seme. However, even though I tired quickly, I felt that I played well at the beginning of each match. That's an advantage of being nervous, I think. It brings out your best kendo. Of course that also tires you out more quickly. Finally, the weather was also a factor. It is very hot in Taipei, with high humidity. My body isn't used to practicing in this environment.
On Friday (7/13) the practice seemed much easier. I practiced 5 times. The first and fourth time were not with high-ranking sensei though. I also made sure to rest sufficiently after each match. My level of kendo was also satisfactory. On Sunday I practiced at 大安國中. Again I only practiced 4 times. Although my level of kendo was ok, it felt very difficult. I barely rested at all. I think I have 2 conclusions. I am too nervous when practicing at a new dojo for the first time. I need to overcome that. Second, I need to take the weather and my body into account, and rest sufficiently during practice. I'm not young anymore so I need to keep better track of my stamina. ^_^;;
So, even though heijyoushin is important, I think being nervous from time to time isn't a bad thing. As the level of tension rises, you could actually perform better in practice or at a tournament. The important thing, I think, is to maintain control over your stamina.
(Upon further review, I only covered here how the lack of heijyoushin could affect your stamina. What this does not cover is how heijyoushin is applicable DURING your practice or match. That is probably because of the drain I felt on my physical reserves practicing here in Taipei in the summer for the first time. Mentally I wanted to practice more, but physically I couldn't. 心有餘,力不足。 I felt that my level of kendo was fairly satisfactory taking into account my relative lack of stamina. :-p I suppose I need to implement more stamina training after returning to the US.)
Saturday, July 7, 2007
剣道の人形 (Kendo Dummy)
From Kendo Dummy |
生きた!!!ま、そこまでじゃなくて。:-p ピヴィシパイプを使って、六時間をかかった。目的は軽くて、簡単に運転できればの人形。木曜日の剣道練習に一人で防具、竹刀、と人形を運転した。
It's alive!!! Well... not really. :-p Using PVC pipes, it took about 6 hours to make. The goal was a light, easily transportable kendo dummy. For Thursday's kendo practice, I transported my bogu, shinai, and the dummy all by myself. (The top and bottom of the dummy disassemble)
It works well for practicing men and do. However, it's not perfect for kote. Especially kote men. The kote is too close to the body of the dummy, so practicing kote men becomes difficult. Also, the dummy is not good for practicing tsuki. If it is to be designed for tsuki practice, the design of the base will have to be heavier and more complicated. Since that contradicts the goal of the dummy, I'm satisfied to do without it.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Miss Utah 2007
I remember when I was young we used to watch the Miss America or Miss USA pageants. They were a pretty big deal. However, nowadays they've kind of faded into the background. Nonetheless, when I saw this on CNN today, you got to hope someone like her wins. (That's not the most flattering picture of her though, lol)
"Talent competition? Well... I'm a registered nurse, I went through National Guard training, I was deployed in Afghanistan... Hmm, I think I have some talent SOMEWHERE, I'm just not sure what I can do on this stage..."
"Talent competition? Well... I'm a registered nurse, I went through National Guard training, I was deployed in Afghanistan... Hmm, I think I have some talent SOMEWHERE, I'm just not sure what I can do on this stage..."
The Police in concert

月曜日、7/2/07、に僕とニックが St. Louis へいって、Police のコンサートへ行った。とってもすごいでした。楽しかった。切符はちょっと高いけど、運転が長いけど、すばらしいコンサートだから、問題じゃない。僕達がT−シャツを買った。左側は僕達のシートから取ったの写真。
(Wow... this post really shows how limited my Japanese is. :-p Anyways...)
This past Monday, 7/2/07, I went to St. Louis w/ Nick to see the Police. It was great. IT WAS AWESOME!! It was a lot of fun. The tickets were a bit expensive, and the drive was kind of long (we got back around 2AM), but since the concert was so great. it was worth it. Both Nick and I even succumbed to purchasing a T-shirt each. The pictures on the left are taken from our seats.
The concert covered all of their hits, but they definitely weren't just replaying them. Some of the new interpretations might not have gone over quite as well, but the songs were still recognizeable. They came out w/ "Message in A Bottle" and the place went nuts. After "Walking On The Moon", they then covered some of the, imo, lesser hits, which lost part of the crowd and made me realize that I'm not hard core enough of a Police fan. :-p I'm debating if I should remedy that... The section I was sitting in was disappointing, imo. The people in front of us got up for only the first and last song. :-( Meh, better view for me I guess, especially since they were "large" people. ^_~ I had a good frontal view and the screens gave good close ups plus effects. The crowd came back alive when "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" came on, all the way until "Invisible Sun". The show kind of swayed back and forth from the energetic songs to more virtuoso musical performances, I think. I definitely enjoyed both aspects.
When the trio exited the stage after "Can't Stand Losing You", Nick's comment was "Geez, I wonder what 2 songs are left?" (end sarcasm) They came back and proceeded w/ "Roxanne", and followed with another FOUR songs that were just pumped with energy. The crowd went wild for the whole time. It was almost like the break was for them to catch their breath and ready themselves for the final push. They are 50+ after all. XD
Andy Summers had some great guitar solos, and although he's no David Lee Roth, attempted the splits at the beginning and was hopping across the floor on one of the songs. Pretty good for a 65 year old. Sting played the front man, interacting with the crowd. There were times I almost wished his vocals were softer so I can better hear the intricacies of the instrumentals. There was an occasional display of bass skills (speaking of the bass, it looked like it was so old and banged up it was back from when the Police first started. You can see a picture here ) and the vocals were what you would expect of Sting. Stewart Copeland though I think stole the show. His energy, clambering back and forth between the sets, discarding used drumsticks (how many does he go through in a concert anways?! @_@) just screamed of a man really getting into it and enjoying the show. It looked like he almost stumbled off the stage bowing at the end.
All in all I really enjoyed the show. Despite my lack of rock show experiences I must say this must be close to as good as it gets.
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