Last weekend Erwin arranged for a car camping trip at Pinnacles National Park, which is about a 2 hour drive south of here, past Gilroy and Holister. Hsin-tien and I decided to join in. This would be Hsin-tien's first camping experience.
Originally there were 5-6 families/couples going, with 4 babies involved. O_o Scary... In the end though, due to various circumstances, it went down to 4 families/couples with 2 babies. That made it a lot more tolerable. I think we all concluded after the trip that more than 2 babies would be impossible. :) Eric and Ce joined us from Fresno, and Simon and Yoon came down from the Bay Area.

For dinner Erwin put together a terrific spread. My only real experience w/ camping so far has been backpacking, where we had to carry all of our equipment and food for multiple days, hiking many miles per day, and ending on freeze-dried food (which were delicious then :). So this car camping w/ cutting board, knives, cooking and eating utensils, was quiet different for me. Following are some pictures of the food and camp.
Unfortunately the shower facilities were... adequate, but a little spooky, since there were no lights. O_O
I think Hsin-tien came back fairly unscathed. We decided to take it easy on Sunday and just came back after cleaning up camp. We stopped at Gilroy for Hsin-tien to pick up some gifts for our trip to Taiwan. Both of us are a little under the weather right now because of stress and general tiredness, but nothing really from the trip. Perhaps this means more camping for the 2 of us in the future... ^_^